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A day in the Life

Below is a typical day in the life at St Francis

Time with Friends

At Little Saints Nursery we are aware of the importance of relationships and place these at the heart of all we do. Pupils who come to Little Saints Nursery not only have a myriad of learning opportunities, fantastic support, buckets of outside space to explore, but also a chance to cultivate friendships.


When asked what her favourite lesson was, one pupil answered "Lunch!". This is absolutely testament to our brilliant onsite catering team who work tirelessly to cook/bake/prepare a wide variety of delicious treats for staff and pupils to enjoy.

Morning Registration

Morning registration is a great chance for pupils to spend time with each other pastorally, under the guidance of their form tutor.

Morning Lessons

Lessons start immediately after morning registration and finish at 10:30, in time for break! Our pupils are taught by a wide variety of teachers, and subject specialisms begin in Nursery, and more formally in Pre-Prep.

Morning Break

A chance to get out, let off some steam and explore the beautiful 17 acre site we are lucky enough to be situated on.

Second Morning Lessons

More chances for learning between morning break and the all-important lunch. Again, pupils have lessons taught by a wide range of staff, ensuring they have access to a wide range of resources.


When asked what her favourite lesson was, one pupil answered "Lunch!". This is absolutely testament to our brilliant onsite catering team who work tirelessly to cook/bake/prepare a wide variety of delicious treats for staff and pupils to enjoy.

Lunch Break

What better way to help your food digest, and get ready for the afternoon than more running around with friends!?

Afternoon Lessons

Yet more learning and creativity underway!

Morning Registration

Morning registration is a great chance for pupils to spend time with each other pastorally, under the guidance of their form tutor.

Morning Lessons

Lessons start immediately after morning registration and finish at 10:30, in time for break! Our pupils are taught by a wide variety of teachers, and subject specialisms begin in Nursery, and more formally in Pre-Prep.

Morning Break

A chance to get out, let off some steam and explore the beautiful 17 acre site we are lucky enough to be situated on.

Second Morning Lessons

More chances for learning between morning break and the all-important lunch. Again, pupils have lessons taught by a wide range of staff, ensuring they have access to a wide range of resources.


When asked what her favourite lesson was, one pupil answered "Lunch!". This is absolutely testament to our brilliant onsite catering team who work tirelessly to cook/bake/prepare a wide variety of delicious treats for staff and pupils to enjoy.

Lunch Break

What better way to help your food digest, and get ready for the afternoon than more running around with friends!?

Afternoon Lessons

Yet more learning and creativity underway!

Our Community

Learn about the St Francis ethos, and what makes this community so very special.

Life at St Francis 

Learn about the St Francis mission, and how we approach the many strands which make up a balanced education.