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Silver Medals for Year 4 Biathlon Boys

The Biathlon is fast becoming a mainstay of Prep School sports, and Wiltshire-based prep school, St Francis, is definitely taking this seriously.

In the recent South-West championships, St Francis was awarded a silver medal for their Year 4 boys’ team. Held at nearby Bath University, this event was a regional qualifier, meaning that the boys were up against teams from the other leading prep schools in the area.

Director of Sport at St Francis, Kevan Brown, explained “The Biathlon is a great example of a lesser-known team sport, and the boys have really thrown themselves into this. Without the contact of a “typical” team sport, the boys were keen to support each other and their peers, and do their best to bring the result of the overall team up.”

This is not St Francis’ only Biathlon success – they regularly have teams compete at the nationals and this year will be no different, as they have a team of 9 pupils representing the School in March.

David Lee, Head at St Francis enthused “This is a fantastic result for the boys, and I could not be more proud of them. To take individual pride in your performance and harness it to elevate that of your teams’ is an incredibly noble approach to playing sport, and one we encourage at St Francis”.