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Drama Scholarship for Jude

St Francis has enjoyed a dramatic start to 2023; celebrating the first drama scholarship of the academic year.

Year 6 pupil, Jude, has been awarded a highly coveted drama scholarship to the prestigious St Gabriel’s School, in Newbury.

Head of Drama at St Francis, Abby Bracken exclaimed “This is an absolutely fantastic way to start the new School term, and is hopefully the first of many that we can expect this year. Jude has done brilliantly, and we are delighted that he has been recognised in this way by St Gabriel’s.”

In her feedback, Mrs Chaplin, Head of Drama at St Gabriel’s explained that “Jude’s performance during his audition was outstanding. He used a good selection of levels and stage space to convey a clear and informative message to his audience…In his interview, he showed a clear passion for the theatre.”

David Lee, Head of St Francis added “This is wonderful news, and we are thrilled for Jude and all those members of staff who sought to support him in his pursuit of a scholarship.”